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Elder Giforos and I with Richard before his baptism |
you are called to cry repentance unto this people. And if it so be that
you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and
bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the
kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that
you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your
joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"
Doctrine and Covenants 18:14 - 16
is no better way that I could express my thoughts and feelings than these. I am
so grateful for the baptism that we had on Saturday night. It was an incredible
experience to finally see why I came on my mission. It finally made me
appreciate fully why I chose to serve a mission. That purpose is to invite
others to come unto Christ and the only way to do that is through repentance
and baptism. I am grateful for Richard, the great guy he is and the choice that
he made to find out for himself what God´s will for him is. I met Richard the
first day I was in the field. We went to meet him with Hermano Pompin. Richard
invited us in and we sat and talked with Him about the Restoration of the
Church of Jesus Christ, restored to the earth in this time. Our next visit we
extended him an invitation to be baptized and he accepted having faith that God
would answer his prayer to see if our message was true. After teaching him the
lessons and seeing him grow and gain a testimony, in my time here, there was no
greater opportunity that I had than to baptize him and then afterwards here him
bear a strong testimony of the basic truths of the gospel. The spirit of his
testimony filled our little chapel.
"But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
Alma 26:11 - 12
am grateful for the Lord´s blessing upon us as Ammon rejoices because of the
success that he has seen among the Lamanites so to do I rejoice for the success
that the Lord has blessed us with here in Pontevedra. I am so grateful to be a
missionary at this time and in Pontevedra. It is hard to remember the worry and
the difficulties that we have had when the Lord blesses us so abundantly. I
love the mission and the ability that we have to be instruments in the Lords
hands. Richard was prepared and the light of the gospel can now shine through
him. I remember that first visit to his testimony on Saturday night and what a
change it was. He was a great kid before but now with the light of the gospel
he is going to be a tool for the Lord to use.
that great event this week, we have also been working with Raquel still. She is
great and working to make the changes in her life that she needs to in order to
be able to be baptized. Please pray for her and also for us as missionaries to
know how we can better help her. I know that God answers our prayers and I
thank you for those that have been offered on behalf of the missionaries and
the investigators that we are working with.
last story to end this week on: On Wednesday we had exchanges with the Elders
in Ourense. I was with Elder Bailey and we were out street contacting. I was
talking with a woman and my companion went to talk with a Latino man and his
two boys that were walking along the street. As I finished with the woman I
went over to Elder Bailey and he introduced me as his companion and we
continued with the conversation but the man got very frustrated with us and
started to tell us what it was that we believed and what it was that our church
had done wrong, and how bad we were. Eventually, when he could, my companion
told the man to stop fighting with us, that all we were trying to do was to
have a conversation and share our beliefs but, the man reaches out and pushes
my companion in the chest. At this point I´m starting to get worried, I really
don´t want this to turn into anything more, but my companion, after recovering
his balance goes and pushes the man right back. The adrenaline started pumping
now even more than before and I start thinking that there is no way to get out
of this one, we need to leave right now. This Latino man was probably 6´2"
and big. The man stumbles back and just I as I think we are both done for he
and Elder Bailey start laughing. The Latino man is actually a member of the
rama in Ourense and it was all a big joke on the new missionary. It is in actuality
really funny but in the moment it felt intense.
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Elder Bailey, myself and the member from Ourense |
Anyway, the work moves along here in Pontevedra. I love being able to laugh and
have a good time while still working hard and having the Spirit. I love the
mission, the good days and the hard ones. All of them are what makes it worth
it. Thank you for your examples to me, testimonies, love and prayers.
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